Hello Gatsby
September 21, 2019
Hello :)
My name is Jack, and I will be using this blog to continue learning more about web development and programming, along with sharing my experiences around coffee, technology and life in general.
I think that if I don’t set some obtainable goals right off the bat, this blog probably won’t remain front of mind. So, there are a few things I want to achieve:
- Write a blog post each month for the rest of the year (seems easy right? I wonder if I will actually do it.)
- Create a custom blog post with a cool feature in React (I’m thinking a Sydney speciality coffee guide with an interactive map 🤔)
Alright that’s all. If you’re reading this, you are probably in the position to see if I actually reached these goals. Hope I did. If you are me and you’re reading this, hope you’re doing well Jack - look after your mum.